PayPal issues.

Customers in the USA and Canada please enter your country and then select your state or province from the drop down menu. If you have already registered you may need to change your address so you state or province selected. You will not be able to pay by PayPal until you have selected your state or province.

If your payment is refused by PayPal please make sure your address is exactly the same on our website as it is on theirs. The email address may need to be the same as well.

We understand that you can have a different delivery address on the PayPal website in the same way that you can on ours. Again this address must be identical on both websites. Having goods shipped to n address that is different to your billing address can trigger security checks which can stop payment.

If you have a problem with your order please tell US before you start a dispute with PayPal. There are rarely any problems and we receive 1000's of emails from PayPal so we do not monitor the dispute facility.

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